
तुझ्यामुळे ...

तुझ्यामुळे ... चित्र हे अपूर्ण होते कुंचलेही शुष्क होते जीवनाला रंग आला  संगती तुझ्यामुळे ... दिवस रात्र खिन्न होते ऋतुही उदास होते, हर्षोल्हास झाला  हर-कही तुझ्यामुळे कृष्णमेघ दाटलेले, आसमंत काळोखलेले, चांदण्यांची रात्र आली, या धरी तुझ्यामुळे ... राऊळी मी शोधिले पण, देव दगडात नव्हता, ईश्वरी दृष्टांत झाला, अंतरी तुझ्यामुळे 🙏

तू ...

 तू ... आस तू, आभास तू, मोगऱ्याचा सुवास तू, सर्वदा व्यापून आहे, अंतरीचा श्वास तू ... सुप्त तू, कधी व्यक्त तू, कधी मृदू, कधी सक्त तू, जीवना आकार देई,  गोरी कुंभार तू ... रणरणत्या उन्हातही, शीतल वटवृक्ष तू, चातका या तृप्त करीशी, पावसाचा थेंब तू ... सफल तू अन सुफल तू, चिखलातही कमल तू, आयुष्यातील हर प्रश्नांची, होतसे उकल तू ... भव्य आकाश तू, संधीप्रकाश तू, आजन्म साथ देईन, दृढ असा विश्वास तू ... जीवनाचा अर्थ तू, फक्त तू, बिनशर्त तू, अंतरीच्या गाभाऱ्यातील, दिव्य ते निरांजन तू  🙏

About ISP ...

What is - ISP The Art of Parenting ISP - The Art of Parenting is an experiential workshop that guides parents on how to bring up children right from the stage of conception to 8 years. It deals with the overall development of the child covering the  Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional  and Spiritual  areas. It also deals with imparting total Education to the child covering all the 5 elements of nature, namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. What is the duration? It is a 9 sessions program where one meets once a week for a duration of 3 hours. Who is eligible to join this programme? Those who are planning to have a child. Those who are already pregnant. Those who have children below 8 years of age. Those who wish to contribute towards the growth and development of children. When does one start? Right now ! Because ...... It is easier to teach a child of 3 years than a child of 4 years. It is easier to teach a child of 2 years than a child of 3 years. It is easier

Some good thoughts ...

Some good thoughts ... Spirituality is about seeing everything around you as energy and not a person, thing or form. Connecting with that eternal energy beyond form is spirituality. When you are neither entangled not insecure you are FREE. Only entangled and insecure people are busy. When you get anything you become in-secured when you receive anything you become reassured. Ignorant Asks, Arrogant Commands, Irresponsible Claims, Curious Finds Out, Wise Discovers ! Bonding is Blissful when nobody is carrying each others load, but when are connected with each other in Love .

Nine Principles for Peace of Mind

Nine Principles for Peace of Mind 1.     Do Not Interfere In Others’ Business Unless Asked Most of us create our own problems by interfering too often in others’ affairs. We do so because somehow we have convinced ourselves that our way is the best way, our logic is the perfect logic and those who do not conform to our thinking must be criticized and steered to the right direction, our direction. This thinking denies the existence of individuality and consequently the existence of God… God has created each one of us in a unique way. No two human beings can think or act inexactly the same way. All men or women act the way they do because God within them prompts them that way. Mind your own business and you will keep your peace. 2.     Forgive And Forget This is the most powerful aid to peace of mind. We often develop ill feelings inside our heart for the person who insults us or harms us. We nurture grievances. This in turn results in loss of sleep, devel

दुंदुभी निनादल्या ...

A group song from the school days. Really an inspirational song about one of the most daring act by Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ... Afazul Khan Vadh !! दुंदुभी निनादल्या,  दशदिशा    कडाडल्या, केसरी गुहेसमीप मत्त हत्ती चालला, मत्त हत्ती चालला ||  वाकुनी आदिलशाहास कुर्निसात देऊनी  प्रलयकाळ तो प्रचंड खान निघे तेथुनी  हादरली धरणी व्योम शेषहि शहारला || १ ||  खान चालला पुढे अफाट सैन्य मागुती  उंट हत्ती पालख्या हि रांग लांब लांब ती  टोळधाड हि निघे स्वतंत्रता गिळायला || 2 ||  श्रवणी तप्त तैलसे शिवास वृत्त पोचले  रक्त तापले कराल खड्ग सिद्ध जाहले  मर्दनास कालियास कृष्ण सिद्ध जाहला || ३ ||  तुळजापूरची भवानी माय महन्मंगला  राउळात अधमखान दैत्यासह पोचला  मूर्ती भंगली मनात चित्रगुप्त हासला || ४ ||  सावधान हो शिवा वैर्याची रात्र ही  काळ येतसे समीप साध तूच वेळ ही  देऊनी बळी अजास तोषवी भवानीला || ५ || 

What am I?

What am I? Number five has a special significance in spirituality the five elements ( Panchmahabhoota ), the five bodies ( Panchsharir ), the five rules of the Buddha ( Panchsheel ), the five precepts of Aurveda ( Panchkarma ), etc. However there is one set of fives that denotes a unique spiritual phenomenon that very few are aware of the five qualities of the Self. Lot of significance has been attached to the questions Who am I and Why am I? But the question What am I? is often ignored. What is my inner core made up of? What are the qualities of the Self? What is at the essence of my being? What are the five core values of a human being? And the answer will be five qualities or values. These are creation, realization, satisfaction, devotion and discrimination. To make it simpler, you can substitute these five qualities with the verbs Expressing, Being, Enjoying, Loving and Knowing. Why only these? You can use an micro or macro approach and will arrive at the same set of five what