Hi there ...

In the midst of all the unwanted things happening this year 2008, like terror attacks on our economical capital (Mumbai) global slow-down, pay-cuts, lay-offs etc. One good thing is this year is almost coming to the end. We will be in the new year 2009 very soon. And I strongly believe it is going to bring good things to me and all of us :) The interest rates, realty rates have started to fall which can be though of as signs to the good things that are in store for the next year.

So, chill guys and hope for the best in future !!


  1. Do not worry about the future. Try to stay in the present and everything will be fine. Mentally to stay in the present, it is a very hard task. Try Sahaja Yoga/Meditation. By Kundalini awakening, your attention spontaneously comes into the present and thoughts from the future and past slows down.


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