
Showing posts from December, 2011

What am I?

What am I? Number five has a special significance in spirituality the five elements ( Panchmahabhoota ), the five bodies ( Panchsharir ), the five rules of the Buddha ( Panchsheel ), the five precepts of Aurveda ( Panchkarma ), etc. However there is one set of fives that denotes a unique spiritual phenomenon that very few are aware of the five qualities of the Self. Lot of significance has been attached to the questions Who am I and Why am I? But the question What am I? is often ignored. What is my inner core made up of? What are the qualities of the Self? What is at the essence of my being? What are the five core values of a human being? And the answer will be five qualities or values. These are creation, realization, satisfaction, devotion and discrimination. To make it simpler, you can substitute these five qualities with the verbs Expressing, Being, Enjoying, Loving and Knowing. Why only these? You can use an micro or macro approach and will arrive at the same set of five what...