
Showing posts from May, 2011

Real Happiness !

Seeker :   What is Real Happiness? Master :   Real Happiness is not that happiness which you get when you achieve something. The mind has cast a shadow over the real ‘you’, the nature of which is happiness. When the mind falls – then what is behind the mind – that Truth manifests. And when that happens, it is real happiness. Suppose you have an aim, a desire to achieve something or to own something. And when you actually achieve it – then the mind, that was thriving only on that desire – falls for some moments since the desire has been fulfilled. And in those few moments of no-mind, you experience emptiness and you call this as happiness or bliss. All happiness you have ever experienced is only because of the mind getting empty, because of the no mind state, because of the lifting of the shadow of the mind. But you get the notion that ‘because’ the target was completed – you got happiness. Because you got what you desired – you got happiness. Because of this false notion, d...

Is the Truth Bitter or Sweet?

People say many things. If people knew the truth, then whatever is happening in the world today, would that be happening? People do not know the truth. They call information of external things and general knowledge as the truth. The truth gives joy at the beginning, at the mid and at the end. This means it always gives happiness. It is beautiful and sweet. Taste it from anywhere. It is always sweet and never bitter. If truth seems to be bitter, then one should check his tongue to see if there is something bitter on his tongue. If someone is told, “You are a fool… you are fat… you are ugly…”, then this person feels bad. People think that perhaps he found this truth to be bitter. But actually it was not the truth, but the information about his body-mind that he felt bad about. His true self is beyond the body-mind. The truth (the ultimate truth) is beyond the body-mind. But people consider the truth and information to be one and the same. The ones who coined the statement, “ Truth is G...

Whats your address ?

Once, a disciple of Saint Ramakrishna Paramhansa asked him, ‘You always speak to Goddess Kali. Can you request Her to visit my home so that I can be graced by Her divine sight?’ Ramakrishna replied, ‘Give me your address and I shall certainly send Her to you.’ The disciple gave his residential address and left happily. He thought, ‘Goddess Kali will come to my home, now I need not attend any spiritual discourses.’ Many days passed but Goddess Kali did not appear. The disciple was sure that Ramakrishna, being a great saint, could not have lied. Therefore he again approached Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna said, ‘You have provided the address of your house instead of your address. What is your address?’ The disciple then handed over his office address thinking that he was present in his office for most of the day. He could not grasp the significance of Ramakrishna’s question. There is no end to what ignorance can make you do! Having given his office address, the disciple would wait at his offic...

Liberation from False Notions

One on One with Oneness Seeker :   How to attain God? Master :   When all false notions about yourself get broken – you attain Him. Seeker :   What do you mean by false concepts and notions? Master :   Those that are mere beliefs – which have been merely accepted at face value. Suppose, I start believing that if certain targets are achieved in my life – only then I am successful, then I have a ‘false concept’ of success. Because people have told me that such an achievement alone is what consists of success. Now, if something like that doesn’t happen in my life, then I will believe that I am a failure, because the world calls it a failure. This means that I have to be unhappy or happy depending on these beliefs and concepts of others, whereas real happiness is something totally different. Seeker :   How can I obtain liberation from notions, beliefs and false concepts? Master :   Only by understanding. The moment these notions come under the light of under...