
Showing posts from February, 2011


This is just a piece of contemplation i had while i had a fight with my best friend. I was thinking, if i  can exist without friends. Can i live without my parents? What if everybody is pulled out of my life, one by one, what happens then.. If everybody in your life, is subtracted, one by one, what remains…parents, suppose as if they are not…friends..let them go…everybody..all friends,, relatives..colleagues, pets..every living being is taken off…what will remain in the end… how will you know who you are…what will be your identity…what is the use of eyes, if there is nothing to see and what use is for ears, if there is no sound…what if.. what if only you remain, on a clean barren land with no living beings or plants around..nothing…just you…like Hollywood apocalypse movies…only you..what would you do…can u survive like that…can u survive…when there is NOTHING TO DO …nothing is to be done..coz there is NO THING left..what happens then. will you still remain lik...

Story Of A Tea Cup

"There was a time when I was just a dumb lump of red clay. Then one day my master came. He took me, brought me home, rolled and pounded me on a wooden table. Again and again, he poked his fingers into me until finally I yelled out: 'Don't do that! Leave me alone!' But he only smiled and gently said: "Not yet!" Then, whoommmm! I was placed on a spinning wheel and suddenly spun around and around and around until I lost all my sense of direction: 'Stop it; don't you see that I'm getting sick? Quickly, take me from the spinning wheel!' But the master only nodded in understanding and quietly said: "Not yet!" Then he placed me carefully into an oven. I never felt such heat. I yelled and knocked and pounded at the door: 'It is hotter than hell - I'm burning to ashes. Please get me out of here before it is too late.' I could only read his lips as he shook his head from side to side and silently pronounced, ...

Living Happy ..

When U R Tired & Exhausted, REST not STIMULATE. When U R Bored & Disinterested, CONNECT not CUT. When U R Upset & Hurt, OWN UP not GIVE UP. When U R Angry & Irritated, ALIGN & CONNECT not ASSERT & CORRECT. When U R Cheated, CURE not CURSE. When U R Deprived, DROP not DRAG. When U R Lost, LIFT not LOSE. Till U R Living, GIVE not GET (TAKE)

Opportunities to Love!

Don’t miss a single opportunity where you can be loving. If you start looking for opportunities for being loving, you will be surprised: they come in thousands. Because you have not been looking for them you have not noticed them, otherwise they come each moment. You are passing by the road and a child smiles. Now there is a possibility, a great opportunity. God has smiled at you – you have to respond! You are sitting and a stranger is sitting by your side and is crying, and the tears are coming; now you have an opportunity to respond. Or you see a rose flower just opening; it is an opportunity to be loving. You can dance around the rosebush; you can at least say hello to the rose. You can have a little chit-chat... you can be a little mad! The whole universe goes on giving millions of opportunities but because we are hard and we don’t look for them, even if they come on our way uninvited, we bypass them. By and by our eyes become completely incapable of seeing the ...

Power of Present !

Learn to be in the present. Withdraw your energy from the past. Don't waste your time in memories. What is gone is gone. Say goodbye to it and close the chapter. What has not come yet has not come yet. Don't unnecessarily waste your time and energy in imagination, because no imagination is ever fulfilled. It is because of this that the proverb exists in every language: "Man proposes, and God disposes" because you imagine a certain thing in the future, and it is never so. Withdrawing yourself from past and future, you will become a tremendously intense energy, focused in the present, concentrated in the present like an arrow. Each moment being aware, alert, watchful, in the herenow, is the way not to miss the train. Every experience needs your presence here, this moment. And this is a simple secret, but it opens the doors of existence, of all the mysteries, of all that is worth knowing, worth tasting, worth feeling, worth being” ~Osho

Monkey Mind !!

A group of monkeys decide to go on a fast one day.  “Before we begin, I think we should keep the food with which we’ll break the fast ready,” counselled the old monkey chief. The monkeys nodded their heads in agreement. The youngsters were sent in search of food. They returned with huge hands of delicious-looking bananas. “I think each of us should keep our share of bananas with us before we begin our fast, so that we don’t spend time distributing them after we break our fast. You can imagine how hungry we all will be by then!” said the chief’s wife. The monkeys liked the idea and they collected their share of the bananas. “Why don’t we peel one banana and keep it ready to eat? ” said one of the youngsters. “Yes, let’s do that,” shouted a fat monkey in agreement. Just looking at the bananas was making him hungry. “All right,” said the monkey chief. “We shall peel the bananas but under no condition should we eat them.” So the monkeys peeled their bananas and carefully ...